Thursday, April 11, 2013

Study visit to Canberra

Strolling through the gardens at the Australian
 War Memorial. (Source: B. Montgomery)
Last week I spent four days touring libraries and archives in Canberra. Although exhausting it was an extremely interesting and rewarding tour. I came away with great memories of some of precious national institutions and plenty of ideas for helping people conducting family research. The team leaders were wonderful guides and it was tremendous to meet some fellow student Teacher Librarians. Learning online is such a lonely experience.
Signing copies of my novels at the
Lu Rees Archive of Australian Children's
 literature housed at the University
 of Canberra. (Source: B. Montgomery)
Meeting Dr Belle Alderman, the curator of
the Lu Rees collection. (Source: B. Montgomery)
An outrigger canoe from Kiribati. One of the Asia/Pacific items
 on show in the Menzies library at the Australian National
University. (Source: B. Montgomery)